Monday, January 29, 2007

A really interesting result.

Last week I asked in a poll about the silliest name for an adult. An interesting thing happened. The result wasn't interesting because scooter beat tip, it was interesting because people don't really like Michelle that much. Not the name michelle, that is a perfectly reasonable name for an adult, I think people don't care for my sister Michelle. Well I, Micah P Cooper, won't stand for it. Though there is a myriad of reasons not to like her (according to Archimedes a myriad is a 1 followed by 4 zeros, so basically 10, 000 reasons) I think we should all look past her faults, and her apparently rediculous name, and think about all the reasons she has made our lives better. Michelle I love you and I am sorry that my little joke backfired on you, it is better that it backfired on you then on me, but I am still contrite. I think everyone who knows Michelle should take time over the next couple of days to give her a call, send her an email, or leave a comment to let her know how much she means to all of us.

Dashed off on a wireless device

Friday, January 26, 2007

The subtle racism of wrong expectations

I am going to make a bold statement. Racism is alive and well in this country. Not the hanging from a tree kind of racism, but the racism of identity. It shows itself most clearly in the anti immigration debate.
It happens to me every few years, someone mistakes me for a latino man. It of course doesn't bother me that people don't know where I am from. What does bother me is how I am treated by the person making the mistake. It's not that I am treated rudely when it happens, but that there are assumptions that are made about on group or another that are just plain racist.
The thinking goes, that person is brown he must be a low wage worker. There is no reason to think that way. I don't care that someone thinks I am have a bad job, it bothers me because that assumption is made because they think I am a Mexican.
It's true tat Mr. Salvadore does a great job cleaning the house, but is because he is a great house cleaner,not becuase he is from south of the border.
I think it was Jesus (or George Bush, I get them confused) who coined the term "the subtle racism of low expectations. Well my expectation is that we treat all the people who come this country like the productive members of our society that they are (except Samoans, they really are lazy).

Dashed off on a wireless device

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Vestigial post

I once wrote a post that is so real I can only publish it posthumously. Just like all the great groundbreaking works of philosophy the world isn't ready to "deal" with it. Sometimes I reread it, do a little polishing, you know give it a tweak, and bumping up the realness of it.
Today I took a little look at it and smiled, because it was originally titled "Don't Worry" which should bring a smile to all the dorks out there, the dorks know why, and if you dont, you can feel relieved that your probably not too dorky. Be on the look out on this site for something that will truely blow your mind with its Realness, then call my mother to give your condolences since it will only be put out after my demise.

Dashed off on a wireless device

Bobby McGhee

First i just want to say that I dont like hippies and their pachouli fueled ideas of freedom, and this isn't meant as a tribute to Janice Joplin. That being said I wrestle with trying to maintain a sense of freedom when I do have something left to lose.
Writing and publishing present very unique challanges to freedom of speach, not in the first ammendment sense, rather somebody might read this so I am accountable for my thoughts sense. I never thought about before i started writing. Now I have a real problem, I want to express myself but I can't without alienating some of the people I care about. It's not some kind of weird sex thing (get your mind out of the gutter mom). The solution I have worked out is to use a proxy. This is an elegant solution that allows for some literary criticism of my work, the high school english teacher variety not the Vanity Fair book critic kind. So as I use symbolism and metphors everbody benefits, I get to say the things I want, and you fair reader get an extra level of enjoyment by trying to discern my true meanings. Good luck figuring me out.

Dashed off on a wireless device

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dumb Names

I was having a conversation with a someone, and she said Scooter was the dumbest name an adult could have. This was clearly a partisan jab at me because of my late childhood republican leanings. Naturally I had to find a Dem with a stupid name, and I immediately thought of former speaker of the house Tip O'neal (an added bonus that guy was from her adopted hometown, and the Pats can suck it). So I ask you loyal readers please vote so this can be settled. Please keep in mind I think Tip is a pretty horribly stupid name.

The mobile life is awesome

I told you that having a mobile device capable of email is wonderful thing. It lets you keep in touch in every situation. Please watch this interesting clip.

Yup Dick Cheney digs into his pocket looks down and starts using the ole' Blackberry. Those things can be an awesome distraction when your in big meeting and your boss won't shut up and you can't get out. So everyone should get a Blackberry or a windows mobile phone. it will save you in tons of boring meetings.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Of ladders and cats

Superstitions are stupid, and generally only for the weak minded simpletons amongst us. Recently however I feel like i have been going through a patch of bad luck. Of course luck is one of those superstitions I alluded to, it just doesn't exist, an imaginary friend (or enemy). It is easy to see why someone could be attracted to that idea of luck as a factual basis to hang on to when the world seems so random.
Guess what, things just happen. There is no invisible hand of fortune turning events for good or for bad. Basing your life around silly superstitions is laughable. Today for example a black cat walked across my path and nothing bad happened, yet I was raised in a culture that teaches you to fear completly innocuos non-events. This is the twenty first century and that kind of thinking is out of date by at least 1000 years.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm back

After suffering through a series of personal setbacks I am now able resume my blogging duties. Please don't judge me or my priorities.
The first tragedy was a breakdown of my mobile device. I catch a lot of flack about how much I enjoy using it, but I don't care, having a powerful machine like that makes my life better. It allows me to stay connected, but more than that it gives me an outlet where I can express myself in a way I never knew I could. Through a remarkable series of events I was able to procure a pocket computer I had been lusting after. Then less than 2 weeks after I got it, it broke. I was at a loss. I felt as if my voice had been taken. No more email, no more blog, no more mp3. It was very sad. I will be able to get it replaced, but not for another couple of weeks.
That was pretty hard for me to handle, but then I got a pach from hashem somethimg really tragic happened. Something I will have trouble dealing with for the rest of my life. A loss that was staggering in its emotional devastation. A close friend and family member was taken to the upper room. My dog died. Words cannot express neither my grief nor affection for the dog that was barely a dog. He was closer to a bunny cat dog hybrid than an actual canine. What kind of dog dances for lettuce? That is one of the reasons I loved him so much. He refused to adhere to traditional dog roles. Sabastian did what made him feel good, he didnt like chew toys or rawhide, he just liked the people he liked and that was that.
Sabastian and I had a rocky start. For the first couple of years our relationship was frosty at best. The little guy had picked up a distrust of men, and he thoughtfully considered me manly, though some people are less sure about that (i'm looking in michelle's direction). After about 3 years he came around and we bonded. The kind of bond that can only exist between a boy and his dog. I will miss him forever. Though he deserves better testament to his life I feel myself incapable of giving him the tribute fitting for a beast who had such positive impact on all those who loved.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A misconception

People think communists are all cute and cuddly, but they'rere not. Communists are dick. Did you know that this blog is banned in china? I am so powerful that if people were able to read this they would riot to overthrow the Chinese communist government. My blog is so subversive that every website on the server where my blog is hosted, is banned in china. Are you familiar with the Orange Revolution in Ukraine? The Cedar Revolution in Lebanon? Well if Chinese people could read Captainmicahp: Southerner in Exile, the next revolution on that list would be the MicahP Revolution. Listen up commies I am like the pope of freedom, and liberty is on the march. SUCK IT COMMIES

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Just the facts

We should be very proud of ourselves in the United State of America. We have come a long way in terms of civil rights. Just a few decades ago a policy of state sanctioned racism was the law in many parts of this country, and in other parts there was a more subtle yet equally diabolical prejudice that was the societal norm. Thank god those days are over, but did you know that there is still one group of people that it is okay to discriminate against. A lot of racist white guys think it is white men, that is one of the more ridiculous things that a human brain can conceive. Many homosexuals think it is them, and while there is a way to go before gay and lesbians will be fully accepted, and many religious communities have yet to rid themselves of a cancerous and laughable belief that belongs on the ash heap of history, it actually isn't okay to persecute gays. No I am talking about society's dirty secret the subtle persecution of the fidgeter.
Today I am taking the brave step of admitting to the world that I Micah P Cooper am a chronic fidgeter. I did not choose this lifestyle. I was born this way. Many people in the church feel like it is something I do because I am morally bankrupt, or I was lured into this life by the popular celebrities you see fidgeting on TV (like Paula Abdul). Those people are wrong, why would anyone choose to live this way, that is like saying someone would choose to have chronic bad breath, or someone would choose to be a woman.
Things have gotten so bad in this country that I can no longer use my beloved clicky pens in public. I have tried to reform myself, but after spending a lifetime thinking my full name was "Damn it Micah would just sit still for five minutes and quite clicking that fucking pen" P Cooper I have just had enough. In order to fit into the still man's world I am giving up my clicky pens, and with sorrow and deep regret I will now be looking for a replacement to the Bic Softfeel Med. Point Rollerball clicky pen. I think its replacement woo have to come from the deplorable world of the capped pen. Please pray for me, pray for all the fidgeters out there, and pray for an end to this dastardly blight of fidget discrimination

Sent via wireless device from the dark underbelly of society.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Think different. Yeah Right

I have had a few days since Apple changed the world with the announcement of the Iphone. I still stand by my remarks last week, but I would like to add some thoughts now that I have had a chance to rationally analyze the device. The first thing is this phone is not revolutionary at all, it is at best evolutionary, but I think that is giving it too much credit. The Iphone does have a couple of novel features like visual voicemail, and the multi touch interface. In fact with the exception of those two features my phone has every single feature of the Iphone and then some. My phone can switch from landscape to portrait view, it has a touch screen interface (which people don't really like by the way), it can play MP3 and videos, it surfs the web via wifi and on top of that it has superfast 3G connection which the Iphone doesn't have.
Another way that apple could have actually thought different was the model for selling it. The current state of affairs in the U.S. (Europe is slightly better) is that the carrier has a stranglehold over the handset market and often requires manufacturers to cripple interesting features in order to sell them. Verizon is very famous for hobbling bluetooth in many of its models. These phones are available, but people want the discounts on those free pieces of garbage that the companies give away for free. Apple had the marketing clout and cache to sell the Iphone themselves, but they wussed out. Partnering with Cingular (AT&T after today) for a multi year agreement. It is just offensive. Steve Jobs is evil, he screwed every single man woman and child who uses cell phones in the U.S.
I really do hope the Iphone succeeds in shaking up the cell phone market. I just wish apple would have been willing to go all the way and take that one final step toward thinking different. I would have been a switcher for life. Another missed opportunity for Apple and for America.

Sent wirelessly

If it's so gross why do I love it?

I have said it before, but it bears repeating. I love the subway. There is something fundamental to the subway that I cannot reconcile with my adoration of the underground railway, and that is, the subway is disgusting. I mean mind numbingly soul-crushingly nasty. I t has given me a compulsion that the first thing I have to do is wash my hands, with soap. So why? Why do I love it when it grosses me out to such an extent? I see little kids on the train being given snacks. Snacks to eat with their fingers, and these children are not removed from the care of their parents. Eating on the train is just as disgusting as eating on the toilet.
On the other hand there is no more convenient way to get around a large city. Subways are not encumbered by street level traffic like cars and busses. There is another more cerebral attraction I have with the subway. The subway is a crazy social ecosystem all its own. There is a hierarchy that is so much more noble than the world above ground. Seats are first come first serve, but people are eager to give up a seat for a pregnant lady, or an elderly of infirm person. New Yorkers, the people trained from birth to ignore everything going on around them, turn into the most gallant of group of people when presented with the appropriate stimuli as long as it is underground.
But at the same time there are rats (subway chipmunks) everywhere, the stations and tracks are covered with 140 years of the most disgusting grime imaginable. Oh if only loving transpiration infrastructure were easy, I guess we'd all be doing it.

Sent wirelessly

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What's the point

I really enjoy writing this blog. It gives me power over the people I know, even people who don't read it. How's that you ask? Because anytime someone tells me something funny or embarrassing I just say "that's going on the blog" and I get people begging me not to post it. It's a really fun thing for me to have people begging not to write something. For one thing I spent my entire school years having people beg me to write, and now the tables are turned. It is delicious irony, and for another thing it is just fun to wield that threat over someone. But that ain't why I do it.
I write this blog for a plethora of reasons. One is that I think I have a rare perspective on life (I was going to say unique but I am sure there are others with a similar life view, even if I have never met them), for another thing having people to respond to my writing is an ego boost (and who couldn't use that), another reason is that I have time to do it (I realize I always had time but never realized it), I got a device that made me want to find new and innovative ways to use it. Those are all fine reasons, but the real reason. Is that I have always had a bit of a creative side but there was never a way I felt I could really express myself the way I wanted to. I couldn't draw or paint sculpt or act. I never really thought I could write either, but low and behold I started typing on my phone one day and haven't wanted to stop. Using novel spellings, punctuations and grammar I can open myself up the way I always wanted to but never could. Thank you to everyone who reads this, it is cathartic for me, and I hope you enjoy it.
Sent via wireless device from a lazy sunday afternoon

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The internet is for porn

This weeks theme on the Captainmicahp blog is CES. One of the hot ideas this year is IPTV, that is television over the internet instead of over the air or cable. This is a pretty good idea and I expect it will one day be the delivery method of choice for video into our homes. This could have wonderful implications for culture. At this point you are probably thinking "micah you have clearly lost your mind". Not true I am thinking clearly, in the US much of our pop culture comes from the big 4 TV networks and they are censored by the government in the form of FCC indecency fines. If the gateway for this content is no longer regulated by the goose-stepping thugs of the family values Gestapo which runs the FCC we could start seeing some real innovation in the kinds of TV shows that get produced. HBO and ShowTime are already at the vanguard of this. Once broadcast TV is totally removed from the equation and the marketplace of ideas takes over most productions will become similar to everything else that is delivered via the internet. So in the very near future TV too will just become on click away from porn. I welcome are new naked lady overlords of culture. The future is calling, will you answer?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Paradigm Shift

I told you about CES the other day, and it not disappointing so far, but there is another technology fair going on this week. Mac World started today. Mac World is like the CES of Apple Computers. I normally don't give a rat's ass about the snootiest jerks in the industry (Apple) but they announced something today that actually might be great. The IPHONE is coming. The IPHONE is the long speculated Ipod cellphone. Why is this great news? Because it may help people change the way they view mobile computing. I have been an outspoken proponent of the converged device i.e. A cellphone that can do many things besides make phone calls and send text messages. I no longer own an MP3 player, or a camera, because I have a phone that can do it all fairly well. It is really nice to have everything in one small package. I don't even travel with a laptop. In my mind this is clearly the way of the future, but the general public has been very slow to accept this idea despite the availability of great devices from companies like Nokia, Palm, Cingular, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG., and many many others. The reasons why are numerous but I won't get into that here. The Ipod is so ubiquitous that this new IPHONE is sure to be a monstrous hit and just like Apple paved the path for digital music players it can do it for converged devices. Let' hope the cellphone carriers don't screw it up like they have for so many other technologies. We are standing on the precipice of a new day. Apple can give everybody the shove we need to start our journey to a better, cooler, more connected future. I hope everyone is ready, and though I can't believe I am going to say this but, I wish Apple success in forging the future.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I am a superstar genius

I am a superstar genius. That wouldn't seem so humble coming from somebody else. I am brilliant, but all of my good Ideas are needlessly shot down by supposed experts only to have someone execute my ideas and make millions. My first example is a development on Central and Hawthorne in Charlotte. I proposed this exact project to my boss and his architect. My boss was mildly supportive but once the architect said it was a bad idea I was forced to drop it. Six months later I read about my project in The Business Journal, only with somebody else making the millions off it instead of me. That experience led me to make a terrible investment in a rental property. Example two. And this is the main point of this post, is a product called OQO. See it at This is a really remarkable piece of technology. It is a full Windows computer that is the size of a paperback book. It is incredible and has everything you might expect in a laptop except for an optical drive (CD or dvd drive). It even has a full keyboard. It also has a docking station so when you are at your desk you can plug it into a full sized monitor, keyboard and mouse and use it like a regular desktop. I had this exact idea more than a year ago, but my future brother in law Mike Foreman refused to help me patent the Idea. (he is a patent lawyer by the way). He said that it was too far fetched an idea. Well I learned my lesson, I cannot rely on people to help me come up with ideas. I guess it is because I am just so for advanced in my thinking that regular people can't appreciate my good ideas. That is a real disservice to the world. So I challenge everyone, I throw down the gauntlet. If I come to you with a bright idea, run with it and help me make it happen. You owe it to the world and the world of your children. I am going to make a huge impact for the better. Plus you stand a good chance of making 73 million dollars. And who couldn't use an extra 73 million?

Sent via wireless device

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Mean mothers

Do you ever meet somebody with an unusual name and think this person's mother hated them from the moment they emerged into the world. The kind of name you can just tell was meant to prevent the kid from ever exceeding in life. Well tonight at Target I met just such an individual, this was by far the positively worst name I have ever heard. It was not a subjective opinion on my part, but looking at objectively with an analytical approach you could not even comprehend the malice this mother had for her child straight from the womb. I am a little reluctant to even tel you her name because 93.26% of you reading this will not believe me. The cashier at Targets name. The name on her official Target name tag was FluQueen. I even asked her of that was the name her mother gave her. Truly astonishing. It makes you wish there was a law against name abuse in this country. I mean seriously FluQueen. With a a capital F and a capital Q, and no space in between. If you have ever actually heard a worse name I will adnit defeat, but I am sure noone has heard a more callous baby name. And Ophelia Titty is not a real name so don't try getting me to believe you actually met a person by that name.

Sent via wireless device from Target at Atlantic Terminal.

Greatest week of the year

This is by far the greatest week of the year. Why? Because Monday is the start of CES. The consumer electronics show. CES is an industry trade show held the second week of January every year in Las Vegas. It is where gadget makers an consumer electronics companies show off their new products for the upcoming year. It is an industry only event, but journalists are allowed to attend. Thanks to websites like Engadget and Gizmodo, who offer incredible wall to wall coverage, you can vicariously be there too. There are literally miles of booths that showcase the future of what we will put in our homes and pockets that make our lives better, and if not better than at least cooler. This thing is like Christmas, if Christmas were cool, and Jews could celebrate too. It is a dream of mine to attend, but I probably won' be able to due to the industry onlyness of it. Man I am excited about hearing all the neat new things that will be coming out, and frustrated by the amount of cool stuff that will never make it to America. So if you are even the slightest bit geeky (I am not of course, but I get excited about it nonetheless) this is your week to stay glued to the internet. So have a merry CES.

Sent via wireless device from the beginning of the greatest week in the world.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Good day, or why they stopped making the shampoo I like

Today was a great day, even though the greatness of the day is based on only one thing. It was a big life changing thing. I officially got into college (again), and not just any crappy old college, but a respected and thoroughly
Hip college. That's right , I am now a student at The New York University. I thank you in advance for congratulations. It really makes me feel for the first time in a long time like I am on track for something greater than a dullard's life of mediocrity.
I was originally going to blog about one of life's most intolerably atrocious inconveniences, and now that I have told you the good news. I will in fact complete my statement on the injustice of the week.
Why do companies continue to get me hooked on some incredible products to the point where no substitute will do, only to discontinue it the second I can no longer be comfortable using anything else. My first example is the Bic softfeel black ink medium tip rollerball clicky pen. It was the finest example of the disposable pen genré ever produced. I know I will hear from some of you fact fascists out there that they weren't discontinued, but merely redesigned. Yes that is true, but that redesign was so complete that it barely resembles the clicky pen of my youth. R.I.P. Bic softfeel medium point rollerball clicky pen, you truly were the king of all disposable pens. And do you think that is the only example? Well hell no the list is myriad. The next example is fresca in the 2 liter bottle. If ever there was a beverage worthy of the appellation invigorating, fresca was it. Poured over some ice, cold from the fridge, or mixed with tequila, it was perfect. Listen I know fresca is still available in cans, and in some markets in a 1.5 liter bottle, but ambrosia that sweet and inspirationally delicious is just too majestic to be cooped up in these tiny abominations. Why would the Coca-Cola company be so brazen in their disregard to my beverage preferences? Finally we come to the causus belli of my dismay. Yesterday I went to my local Bath&Bodyworks (you can be manly and patronize that store, so shut up Michelle) to procure my favorite bodywash which I had run out of. Well when I got there they were having a big sale. I was stoked, I confidently strode in and looked around but there was far too much froofy stuff in the shop and I was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. I found the straightest gay man working there and asked him "I am looking for Juniper Breeze body wash, where is it?" his response nearly knocked me over. He said they only had that in bodysplash BODYSPLASH! What the fuck is bodysplash. There is no fucking way I am going that far down the girly man trail. Then he recommended Aloe Mint bodywash, and offered to let me smell it. At this point my mind had turned into an enraged, and yet emasculated ball of mush so I put the bottle up to my nose and gave a gentle squeeze so I could try a whiff of this possible new bodywash. Can you guess what happened next? This charming little hygiene product turned into Mt. Shampoovius. All over my nose and hands. Thank God (mom that one's for you) they had a sink in the middle of the store, though I never washed my face in front of an audience before I was covered with this goo, and it had to be done. Well after that I couldn't shop at that store. So I went to target and got some crappy melon cucumber trite, that will temporarily keep me clean until I can find a more permanent solution. Can you believe the injustice in this world, and the worst part is no matter how powerful you get in this life there is just no preventing that sort of thing.

Sent via wireless device from the east side.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Something terrible

For today's rare double post I will share with you a little about my day. I woke up this morning feeling very dizzy and not able to keep my balance. I was fairly unnerved, but other than that I felt fine. So I tried not to worry about it, but I could barely make it out of my room without falling over. I laid back in bed and stayed there until about 1 o'clock when I was just barely able to make it to gthe sofa. By about 2:30 I was still stumblin' and bumblin' arounf the house though iwas much more mobile than I had been all day, and by 4 I felt well enough to take a shower and try and accomplish my goals for the day (though they had to be truncated). When I took a shower without falling down I knew I would be alright out in the streets. I got about 50% of my abbreviated tasks accomplished though I still feel alarmingly woozy. If I don't feel 100% by tomorrow drastic measures may be in order. I'll keep you posted.

Sent via wireless device

I think it would go like this

One of the many hypothetical conversations I regularly have goes:
Imaginary friend: I love reading your blog daily!
Micah P Cooper: oh, which blog is that?
Imaginary friend: you know, Captainmicahp In The City.
Micah P Cooper: Thank I enjoy writing it.
IF: You can really tell from the highly intelligent and difficult vocabulary, and playfully witty style.
MPC: well, I try to put out something the most erudite amongst us will enjoy.
IF: I have always wondered something and have wanted to ask you about it since I began reading your blog in May.
MPC: I would love to answer any questions, but I am afraid I cannot give away any trade secrets.
IF: Oh my! I better not ask then.
MPC: No. Please ask, if you touch on a sensitive subject I will just subtly redirect you onto a more appropriate topic. In fact due to my skill with small talk you probably won't even notice I have dodged you query.
IF: My, how droll!
MPC: quite.
IF: How in heavens name do you come up with so many amazing ideas for your blog posts. You really are remarkably clever and creative.
MPC: Thank you for asking such an intriguing and fundamentally important question, and doing in such flattering yet completely unexaggerated manner. You see kind gentlewoman, though I may seem above it, I have to think very hard to come up with my topics. It just speaks to my skill that they always feel like they are effortless to craft. It is comparable to michaelangelo's David, it may look effortless and fluid to the untrained eye but it took the sculptor a long time to achieve such perfection in marble. So it is with me and the blog.
IF: just as I had suspected humilty wrapped in genius. It is no wonder many people consider you the greatest writer since shakespeare. I have one other question if I may be bold enough to squander even more of you priceless time.
Mpc: dear woman, it would delight me to no end.
IF: would sign my boobs?
MPC: I try to oblige my fans.
So if anyone was wondering what goes through my mind just before I start writing, wonder no more.

Sent via wireless device from the more ridiculous, yet slightly seedier side of my imagination.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Aftermath

The weather outside is a perfect compiment to how I feel this morning. It is grey and misting outside, but suprisingly warm and pleasant. I feel awful, and great at the same time. A little headache and sensitivity to noise, but I am happy and to make it even better I have a couple of bruises and injuries that I don't know where they came from. I'm having a little trouble getting out of bed. What do you expect the morning after someone had to make up for four years of repression in on night of partying.

Sent via wireless device from the bed.

BLOGGMAGEDDON is here: Drunkbolg '07

Well I just entered the Bergen St. Station heading back to Crown Heights. It had just started to rain as I walked out side from the party, by the time I got into the station it had already started coming down. But it couldn't dampen my spirits. The party was awesome. It hit 96.472% of it my goals for the night. I got drunk (hence the drunk blogging), I saw some friends, I had a great time, and I flirted with some girls, I saw some fireworks. It was nearly perfect. Can you guess in what area the party came up short? Well a gentleman never tells. I had a great time, and I felt like I was. The life of the party.
DrunKblogging is a lot more challenging than I had initially anticipated. It is not so hard to write something now, but I was hoping my thinking would be a lot cloudier, and come up with some truly zany stuff. No such luck. All that is happening is that I have to sit down on the subway so I won't fall over, things are marginally funnier. On the other hand, I am wasted. Now that ain't bad. I just got back to Crown Heights; hold on. I am back in my apartment now. I got a snack of some Captain's Wafers (Grilled Cheese flavored) and a drink of soda, no more booze for tonight. Man is is delish, I could have gone for something hot but there is some dude asleep on my couch. So I can't cook anything up. Oh well.
It was kind of strange to go to a party like the one I went to. It was just your run of the mill house party, but I felt total release. It was like a drain plug had been pulled and so much of my tensions have disappeared in a whirlpool (man that was a challenging word to remember) of easygoing good time. I am having an easier time with some of the decisions I will be facing in the coming months. One night of pretty decent partying has been very cathartic. Well I guess I have become a little too introspective, but I will leave you with this though: more than one person puked at thing I was at tonight. Shit yeah!

Sent via wireless device the Newly reemerging portions of my psyche, and also the no.4 train.

Portions redacted to keep it readable.