Of ladders and cats
Superstitions are stupid, and generally only for the weak minded simpletons amongst us. Recently however I feel like i have been going through a patch of bad luck. Of course luck is one of those superstitions I alluded to, it just doesn't exist, an imaginary friend (or enemy). It is easy to see why someone could be attracted to that idea of luck as a factual basis to hang on to when the world seems so random.
Guess what, things just happen. There is no invisible hand of fortune turning events for good or for bad. Basing your life around silly superstitions is laughable. Today for example a black cat walked across my path and nothing bad happened, yet I was raised in a culture that teaches you to fear completly innocuos non-events. This is the twenty first century and that kind of thinking is out of date by at least 1000 years.
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