Just the facts
We should be very proud of ourselves in the United State of America. We have come a long way in terms of civil rights. Just a few decades ago a policy of state sanctioned racism was the law in many parts of this country, and in other parts there was a more subtle yet equally diabolical prejudice that was the societal norm. Thank god those days are over, but did you know that there is still one group of people that it is okay to discriminate against. A lot of racist white guys think it is white men, that is one of the more ridiculous things that a human brain can conceive. Many homosexuals think it is them, and while there is a way to go before gay and lesbians will be fully accepted, and many religious communities have yet to rid themselves of a cancerous and laughable belief that belongs on the ash heap of history, it actually isn't okay to persecute gays. No I am talking about society's dirty secret the subtle persecution of the fidgeter.
Today I am taking the brave step of admitting to the world that I Micah P Cooper am a chronic fidgeter. I did not choose this lifestyle. I was born this way. Many people in the church feel like it is something I do because I am morally bankrupt, or I was lured into this life by the popular celebrities you see fidgeting on TV (like Paula Abdul). Those people are wrong, why would anyone choose to live this way, that is like saying someone would choose to have chronic bad breath, or someone would choose to be a woman.
Things have gotten so bad in this country that I can no longer use my beloved clicky pens in public. I have tried to reform myself, but after spending a lifetime thinking my full name was "Damn it Micah would just sit still for five minutes and quite clicking that fucking pen" P Cooper I have just had enough. In order to fit into the still man's world I am giving up my clicky pens, and with sorrow and deep regret I will now be looking for a replacement to the Bic Softfeel Med. Point Rollerball clicky pen. I think its replacement woo have to come from the deplorable world of the capped pen. Please pray for me, pray for all the fidgeters out there, and pray for an end to this dastardly blight of fidget discrimination
Sent via wireless device from the dark underbelly of society.
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