Bobby McGhee
First i just want to say that I dont like hippies and their pachouli fueled ideas of freedom, and this isn't meant as a tribute to Janice Joplin. That being said I wrestle with trying to maintain a sense of freedom when I do have something left to lose.
Writing and publishing present very unique challanges to freedom of speach, not in the first ammendment sense, rather somebody might read this so I am accountable for my thoughts sense. I never thought about before i started writing. Now I have a real problem, I want to express myself but I can't without alienating some of the people I care about. It's not some kind of weird sex thing (get your mind out of the gutter mom). The solution I have worked out is to use a proxy. This is an elegant solution that allows for some literary criticism of my work, the high school english teacher variety not the Vanity Fair book critic kind. So as I use symbolism and metphors everbody benefits, I get to say the things I want, and you fair reader get an extra level of enjoyment by trying to discern my true meanings. Good luck figuring me out.
Dashed off on a wireless device
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