Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 9: Hill Country


Today is Wednesday, better known as SeamlessWeb day. I ordered from a barbecue spot called Hill Country. Barbecue in New York is never better than average, more like a Disney version of barbecue, than the real stuff from the south. I had a shredded beef sandwich and sweet tea. The sandwich was nice and the sauce was passable, but the tea was at the bottom end of drinkable.


Being a southerner, I am somewhat of an expert in sweet tea. I have thrown out more than my fair share of undrinkable swill marketed as sweet tea here in New York. This stuff passed the test, but barely. It did come in a mason jar that I got to keep, but when a comment about the glass it came in is the nicest thing you can say about a drink, you know it can’t be a good sign.


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