A really interesting result.
Last week I asked in a poll about the silliest name for an adult. An interesting thing happened. The result wasn't interesting because scooter beat tip, it was interesting because people don't really like Michelle that much. Not the name michelle, that is a perfectly reasonable name for an adult, I think people don't care for my sister Michelle. Well I, Micah P Cooper, won't stand for it. Though there is a myriad of reasons not to like her (according to Archimedes a myriad is a 1 followed by 4 zeros, so basically 10, 000 reasons) I think we should all look past her faults, and her apparently rediculous name, and think about all the reasons she has made our lives better. Michelle I love you and I am sorry that my little joke backfired on you, it is better that it backfired on you then on me, but I am still contrite. I think everyone who knows Michelle should take time over the next couple of days to give her a call, send her an email, or leave a comment to let her know how much she means to all of us.
Dashed off on a wireless device