Sunday, December 31, 2006

Your final warning

Since the sirst sumerian thought to record Ideas with symbols and invented, there has never been an event as stupendous. As immensly, and pondoroulsy monumental as what is about to occur. I have painstakingly assembled all the ingredients. My credit card bottle opener, my sense of adventure, a bunch of people wanting to have fun, and the piece d'resistance, booze. Get ready, because I am on my way to get drunk at a party. Which is going to lead to Blogmageddon: DRUNKBLOG '07. If you have not mde peace with your maker, it is now or never. You have been warned!

Sent via wireless device from the Tunnel of Fun

Are you getting ready?

I warned you, we are now in the countdown to blogmageddon. I hope your affairs are in order 'cause its gonna be epic.

Sent via wireless device

Begin the preparation

In less than four short hours I will be drunk. At that time I, Micah P Cooper will attempt something fundamentally impossible for a sober person to accomplish. You just have to ask yourself one question: Am I prepared for the seminal event the history of blogging?

Sent via wireless device

Friday, December 29, 2006

I have a serious problem

It seems like everyday I am faced with difficult decisions. Today I didn't really have any worries, anything to decide. I almost made it to the end of the day. I was just watching TV for a couple of minutes before going to bed when I was faced with the physical manifestation of a nightmare.
I have a straight guy crush on Hugh Grant. He is so charming and foppish, he is disarming and his sheepish English suaveness is completely disarming. Without sounding too crazy, he is everything I would look for in a wife. You know, if he were a women, and maybe South African (but that is a whole other topic). Well the last thing I saw was a commercial for his new movie. You might think that I would be happy and buying my tickets to see it as we speak, but there is a problem, a big problem.
My least favorite person in the movie business since movies were first contemplated by Thomas Edison nearly 150 years ago is an actress I affectionately call Rotten Meat Face. That's right the dreaded Josie Grossy, I can barely bring myself to write her name. Okay here we go... Drew Barrymore. She is awful, she is all sweetness and light wrapped around the body of a 35 year old woman pretending to be 19. She is awful, and not as in full of awe, but as in making me want to barf.
This is some conundrum I have gotten myself into; how can I reconcile the amazingly wonderful actor who starred such cinematic materpieces as "The Englishman Who Went Up A hill and Came Down A Mountain", "About A Boy", and "two Weeks Notice"(Every one an Oscar worthy performance) with a hussy, a trashy, garbage lady famous for dreck like "poison ivy" and "charlie's angels 2: full throttle" and the original piece of silver screen feces that earned her my disdain "never been kissed". I hope you can appreciate what a difficult position I am in. I don't think I will rest very well until I make peace with this cinematic travesty. It is a celluloid Titanic. I had built a mental Maginot line against Drew Barrymore, and that harlot just strolled across The Ardennes. I pray that god gives me the strength to make the right decision. Please pray for me, and may god have mercy on my soul.

Sent via wireless device from my own private hell

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The worst is behind me

This was one hell of a day. It started out fine, there was a little fog this morning that proved to be an excellent metaphor for how my day would go. As many of you know, I am involved in a love affair with my phone. It may sound strange or geeky to a lot of people but I just love this little device so much. There are guys who own old muscle cars, and nobody thinks that is too strange, well that is how I am with my cell phones. Just like men who are always tinkering under the hood of their old mustang. This afternoon I was monkeying around under the hood of my device. I installed an experimental operating system file on the phone, and the thing turned into a fancy paperweight. It was totally bricked. Well you can imagine how I felt, it was like a good friend had betrayed me. Well what was I going to do? I tried for hours to bring her back to life, but nothing was working I was distraught. Hour after hour was flying by, I was becoming anxious, I wanted to cry, but in the end I held it together.
The fog was burning off the day, I got a call my great friend, he called to tell me he was engaged to a really cool girl. Mazel Tov, it was party time. I put my busted (yet still amazing and awesome) phone aside slipped my sim card in a spare phone and off I went to the party. It was so much fun, there were snacks and booze, I particularly enjoyed the tequila and tiny wieners. After a while the party died down, and I was forced to face my sadness. The phone was still broken.
Woe is me, what shall I do? While I was at Yaakov's party, a wonderful man from the internet gave me an idea of how to fix my problem. It worked, after about another hour of working to set things up again she is purring like a kitten. Even better than before, what a relief.
I would Like to thank Mike, and Mrs. Abel for being good hosts (and giving me the leftover wieners) and Mazel Tov to Yaakov and his Kallah, Rivka. Don't you just love a happy ending.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Man I love the Subway

Man I love the subway. It is like a magic tube, you go down some stairs, get on the train and boom, ten or fifteen minutes later yu are at your destination. You always see interesting things, the trains are frequent and clean. The fare is only $2, and there are stops everywhere. I do most of my blogging from down in the guts of the city. I dont usually plan what I am going to write about (can you tell? No? Good.) but the subway inspires me and gets my creative juices flowing.There is a very big lie about New Yorkers. They have a reputation for being unfriendly, this is ugly disinformation, that New Yorkers cultivate. Many of you know that I am a gadget freak. The subway is the greatest place to see every kind of consumer electronic being used in the real world. Even better than that, people are always happy to talk about the device they are using. All you have to do is ask them with a smile, and they will gladly answer any questions you ask. People are great, and the get even better underground.

Sent via wireless device from the Wall Street subway station onthe 4 line.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Still working it out

Being a writer is still a little new to me. I spent nearly 30 years being convinced that I was a bad writer, incapable of expressing a coherent thought through the written word. I am trying very hard to rectify that deeply ingrained self-doubt. One of the ways I am trying to shed a legacy of mistaken belief in my false limitations, is to write something everyday.
Today I was going to write something on an individual's responsibility to corporations. I wrote something, but I just couldn't get through it. It took on the feel of a sort of rambling manifesto of selfishness. I know that nobody likes to read any kind of manifesto, especially a manifesto of selfishness. So I aborted that idea, and now I am stuck for something to write. I may go back to the original draft at some point, because once I scrub out the overbearing self centered aggrandizing, it will blow your mind hole.
This whole project of writing is sort of a strange attempt at self improvement. I can get behind the idea of bettering yourself, and whenever I hear about an 80 year old man finally going back and getting his High School diploma, or somebody's grandma taking art classes, my thought is always "good for them", but isn't the reward for a lifetime of hard work not having to do shit like that anymore? Now I am beginning to take another look at my life and I want to start filling in the holes my misspent youth has left in my psyche and resume. It is probably better to do it when the response to these accomplishments is "its about fucking time" instead of "bless his heart good for him". I could have always written a daily blog, in fact I had the mental infrastructure to do most anything I wanted to do. I just never did. Now I am going to start, and all I Can say is...

It's about fucking time.

Sent via wireless device from the bowels of New York City.

A dash of style

I was cruising the internet the other day, and I came a cross a list of "50 ways to be a better writer". Now since I do a little writing I am of course interested in being a better writer.
There are two points on that list that I would like to discuss. The first point is something that I have always struggled with, and that it, using to many commas, and using them in inappropriate places. I have no idea what the rules for using comas are, so I have made up my own, which I think are much better than the real rules for coma use (I just assume since like I already said, I don't know what those rules are).
The second style point on the list I would like to talk about is the use of hyperbole. The person who put together that list said you should avoid the use of hyperbole. This is probably the worst thing that has ever been recorded since the first use of writing 5,000 years ago. This bothered me on several levels. On one level I was bugged by the demarcation between hyperbole, and run of the mill exaggeration. But on a much deeper level I was concerned that the list maker, whom I call captain jerkface, doesn't allow for a bombastic writing style that matches my ego and psyche. If I try to convey not just my ideas through writing, but also a sense of who I am, then how is someone with a large than life personality (like me) supposed to accomplish that with out hyperbole? For the love of god I ask you, how? Sure if you have the personality of a piece of toast that isn't a problem, but when you are Micah P Cooper, it is just impossible.

Sent via wireless device from my couch

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Subway Chipmunks

My sister and I have a code word for the rats you occasionally see in New York, subway chipmunks. Rats aren't really the horrible vermin they are usually assumed to be. Now don't get me wrong I am not eager to befriend a subway chipmunk, but when I worked in a pet store there were people that would extol the virtues of being a rat fancier. So I know they have their virtues, they are the geniuses of the rodent world and are one of the smartest animals in the world per ounce. But tonight as I was entering the subway, a big giant Norway rat stood on the top step and wouldn't move. As I stood there playing a game of mental chess with a 2 pound giant plague bearing, flea ridden, vicious, violent rabies carrying nuclear mutant scaly tailed nightmare I realized just how wrong I had been in trying to improve the subway chipmunks image. From now I Will have to give them a meaner name. Maybe subway horse, or subway Satan. If you have any suggestions let me know.

Sent via wireless device from Wall St.

Pay Attention

I am writing this on the subway. I have a little problem when I ride the rails in the bowels of NYC, I lose track of where I am. I am so in my pocket computer that I often forget to get off at the proper station. For example I just entered the subway near my apartment to head to the Upper East Side. This requires me to transfer to another train after two stops, but I got busy trying to decide what to listen to, and thinking about what I was going to write about that I missed my transfer. This is especially true if I am playing a game (usually Tetris). Now I know this isn't a big deal, but it does occasionally cause some inconvenience. I chalk it up to the awesomeness of the future.

Sent via wireless device from MTA New York City Transit's No.4 train between Brooklyn and Manhattan

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Paul Levy, who is a bigwig at a fancy hospital in Boston wrote on his blog about ending his relationship with mobile email. This guy became a heavy blackberry user and decided to cancel his blackberry in November when Cingular announced that the technology that powered the earliest Blackberries would be shut off.
He talks about seeing ho beautiful the world is without having his stupid face in the blackberry all the time. Well all I have to say is, this guy is a jerk. A major jerk. Mobile email and data don't have to ruin your life, in fact they are far more likely to improve your quality of life greatly. I think alot of Mr. Levy's attitude is generational. And that in the next couple of years we will all have the capability and desire use the power of the computer in our pocket to access the "information superhighway" . Think of SMS, just a couple of years ago nobody in this country would use them. Now even my mother will reply to a text message if I send her one (thought she won't initiate an SMS). I would just like people, especially older people in decision making positions to not be afraid of technology. I know the person who inspired this post used the technology heavily before quiting, but his reaction was because he was never comfortable with the tech from the get go. Like a french kid doesn't grow up to be a drunkard, some who grows up with multiple methods of communication doesn't go nuts the first second they get a blackberry.

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Something new might have failed

I tried something new, and I don't think I quite got it it right. Picoblogger was kind of a buggy experience. Maybe if I wanted to post a lot of photographs a service like that or splashblog would be useful but the only camera I own is the one on me phone, so I don't take many and don't need to publish many of them.
Now I am trying to post via email. Blogger is pretty good about trying to allow you to get your content on your blog with many different options. All that was a prelude to this next sentence. Lets see if this thing works

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Trying something new

Last Thursday I was flying from my home in New York to Charlotte. My plane was delayed nearly five hours, so I had more time to kill than even I knew what to do with (and killing time is a task that I particularly excel at). I didn't bring my laptop so I couldn't take advantage of the excellent free wifi that Jetblue provides. I did however bring my cell phone with me. I love my phone, and all of the capabilities it has, including internet access and a nice qwerty keyboard.
I have been interested in blogging for some time now, and even had a couple of abortive attempts at doing it. The most intriguing part aspect of blogging is moblogging, or capturing your thoughts as you have them. You no longer have to be tied to a computer to get your blog on.
Over the weekend that I took some time to search for an application that would let me do some mobloggin'. That's how I found Picoblogger. All that is just prelude to this sentence. I am trying this out, we'll see how it goes.