Thursday, December 21, 2006

Subway Chipmunks

My sister and I have a code word for the rats you occasionally see in New York, subway chipmunks. Rats aren't really the horrible vermin they are usually assumed to be. Now don't get me wrong I am not eager to befriend a subway chipmunk, but when I worked in a pet store there were people that would extol the virtues of being a rat fancier. So I know they have their virtues, they are the geniuses of the rodent world and are one of the smartest animals in the world per ounce. But tonight as I was entering the subway, a big giant Norway rat stood on the top step and wouldn't move. As I stood there playing a game of mental chess with a 2 pound giant plague bearing, flea ridden, vicious, violent rabies carrying nuclear mutant scaly tailed nightmare I realized just how wrong I had been in trying to improve the subway chipmunks image. From now I Will have to give them a meaner name. Maybe subway horse, or subway Satan. If you have any suggestions let me know.

Sent via wireless device from Wall St.


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