Man I love the Subway

Man I love the subway. It is like a magic tube, you go down some stairs, get on the train and boom, ten or fifteen minutes later yu are at your destination. You always see interesting things, the trains are frequent and clean. The fare is only $2, and there are stops everywhere. I do most of my blogging from down in the guts of the city. I dont usually plan what I am going to write about (can you tell? No? Good.) but the subway inspires me and gets my creative juices flowing.There is a very big lie about New Yorkers. They have a reputation for being unfriendly, this is ugly disinformation, that New Yorkers cultivate. Many of you know that I am a gadget freak. The subway is the greatest place to see every kind of consumer electronic being used in the real world. Even better than that, people are always happy to talk about the device they are using. All you have to do is ask them with a smile, and they will gladly answer any questions you ask. People are great, and the get even better underground.
Sent via wireless device from the Wall Street subway station onthe 4 line.
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