I am Micah P Cooper
I have a not overly common name, in fact there are 519 more common first names for males in the United States, and only 0.017% of the men in this country have it, and that makes it sound like a very rare name indeed, but numerically there are almost 21,00 American men, and another 2,500 females walking around being called Micah, that equals almost 24,00 of us out there. So chances are most people have met a Micah before they meet me. In addition over 111,000,000 people claimed to have read the Bible, where there at least three different characters named Micah mentioned, including an entire book in the back named Micah (who is my namesake I might add). Given all that information, why is it so hard to remember the preferred pronunciation is Mai-Kuh, not Mee-kuh, mucka, or meh-kuh or mech-a or worst of all Michael. I can forgive someone's mispronouncement on the first meeting, on those occasions I just gently correct the person, and even on the second offense, but there are people I know who I have dealt with for literally years that are unwilling to allow me the human dignity of learning my name. It is said that god gives parents a form of prophecy to make sure that the child has the name it should have. In that belief system a person's name can reflect certain attributes that a person has, and give insight into a person's inner workings. there are 276 million Americans who believe that names are a reflection of their owner. So what could be behind the injustice I confront daily and the name terrorism against me?
You might even argue that there really aren't that many people named Micah here, after all there are nearly 8 times as many Hmong tribesmen in the US than people named Micah, You have a better chance of being included in President Bush's troop surge than being named Micah. Well I tell you I really don't know what is behind this affront to my humanity. Even my shrink messes up, he calls me Mee-kuh, which is one of the more common, and more annoying variants, and now I think it is too late to correct him.
This disregard for my name, a name I truly love, and a name which I thank my parents for giving to me, is hurtful. I am proud to go through life with a strong name, a name that symbolizes strength of will, and a desire to do the right thing even when the world around me is crumbling into some kind of decay, be it moral or religious, or radioactive. To have someone throw my Name aside with callous disregard, as though any name more unique than Matt or Jon is not worth learning is one of the worst emotional attacks committed against me. I can say without any shred of false Modesty that I am Micah P Cooper, I am Micah P Cooper, I am Micah P Cooper, I am Micah P Cooper, I am Micah P Cooper. I am proud of my name, I am Micah P Cooper. My name is the Best name, I am Micah P Cooper. That name helped shape the person I am, I am Micah P Cooper. My family gave me that name, I am Micah P Cooper. In the end, all a man has is his name and his deeds, I am Micah P Cooper.
Get it right MotherFucker.
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