Smoking pot in the subway
I am riding the train back from yet another day of unpleasant drudgery. You know how, as often as not, the subway smells like decomposing rectum? Well that was my experience for most of my ride,
But just now, not two minutes ago the smell changed to the alluringly ambrosiac aroma of skunky weed. I mean god lord this is a crowded late rush hour train. There are kids around, but this dude across from me and two seats over is casually taking the last hits off a roach. The fellow next to him looks horrified, but I am slightly amused. I wish I still had the cajones to poof a doob in public, but two humiliating, and mysteriously humorous hours in the Guilford county jail cured me of that. Still to the guy smokin' the Chiba across from me I secretly tip my hat to you and say "bravo dude, bravo".
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